A treasured part of our collection, this home black Carl Allen jersey reflects the two years of service he
gave the Gamblers. Considered the starting center while healthy, Allen would unfortunately battle injuries his entire time
with the team. He was taken by the Gamblers in the expansion draft from the L.A. Express, a team in which Allen was also
the starting center until an early-season injury in 1983.
As should be expected, the jersey shows light
usage. One battle scar of note, however, is the presence of a large repair on the left shoulder of the garment, as seen in
the photo below.

A rear view of the jersey, showing all the
typical traits of a Houston Gamblers shirt. Allen's jersey has spandex sides, along with the popular spandex undersleeves featuring
grommet holes.

A closer look at the nameplate, which was
added locally by Oshman's Sporting Goods. The numbers on all Gamblers jerseys were also added by Oshman's, not Russell Athletic
(manufacturers of all Gamblers jerseys).

The bottom of the shirt features the
typical Russell manufacturer's tag located at the lower right. Incidentally, the size listed on the tag is irrelevant due
to the spandex sides. This jersey also has a "crotch piece", which is a long strip of material that hangs from
the rear bottom. It folds under the wearer and fastens to the front by a series of six buttons. The purpose of the crotch
piece is to prevent the jersey from bunching and becoming untucked.

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